Selling health, fitness and gym memberships is a mindset not just gym promotions or creative fitness marketing

I hope everyone is ready for spring! I know the weather is turning warmer in many parts of the country and some of you want to be outside so I will keep this very brief for you. I often hear from gym owners and gym staff that they do not want to be salesmen or push people into something they do not want. If I had any hair left on my head I would be pulling it out often out of frustration. Let me make this clear to you. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SELL THEN YOU ARE IN THE WRONG BUSINESS!

Your job in this industry is to sell the benefits of health and fitness to the masses. My job as a gym/health club consultant is to help you understand that selling something someone needs to them is not a bad thing. People come into your club because they want help getting in better shape. You are not selling them something they do not want! If they did not want it they would not be in your club or on the phone asking questions. Your job is not to push people into something they do not need but to guide them to make the right choice for their health and fitness and that often starts with them buying a membership or some personal training.

We spend our lives selling ourselves to people. We do it in dating and we do it when trying to land a job. If you do not feel comfortable enough to sell health and fitness to people who need it and want it, then it may be time to look for a new career. Now get up from your desk and go help someone become healthier and happier!

Until next time, enjoy life!
Matt York


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